Jeg har skrevet bogen Relation og fortælling. Tilknytningsmønstre i en behandlingskontekst, som udkom på forlaget Samfundslitteratur i 2012. Bogen er skrevet til behandlere af alle slags, men kan også læses af andre med interesse for tilknytning i voksenlivet.

Behovet for tilknytning er et livslangt fænomen. Når voksne mennesker oplever sygdom, overgreb, psykiske vanskeligheder eller tab, motiverer tilknytningsbehovet personen til at søge hjælp og støtte. Den faktiske henvendelse om hjælp vil dog være påvirket af tidligere erfaringer med omsorgspersoners støtte og pålidelighed.

Bogen gennemgår teori og forskning om tilknytningsmønstre hos voksne med henblik på at give professionelle hjælpere og behandlere indblik i, hvordan forskellige tilknytningsmønstre kommer til udtryk og påvirker daglig behandlingspraksis.

Læs anmeldelse af bogen i Psykolog Nyt.

Bogen er oversat til engelsk og udkom på forlaget Routledge i 2014. Omtale af den engelsksprogede version af bogen:

“With this excellent book on adult attachment patterns, and their profound relevance to the psychotherapeutic process, Sarah Daniel has earned her stripes! This book holds its own, and advances the story, in respect of others who have illuminated the clinical relevance of attachment theory and research (including Brisch, Eagle, Fonagy, Holmes, Slade, and Wallin). For therapists working with individuals, couples, groups or families, in training or in practice for extensive periods, there is much to be gained from reading this coherent and inspiring book. Those who do so will come away with an enriched understanding of emotion-regulation, loss and trauma from an attachment perspective that has far-reaching clinical, lifespan, and intergenerational implications.”- Howard Steele, PhD, Professor of Psychology, New School for Social Research

“A superb resource for clinicians. For those new to attachment theory, the text provides an accessible and concise introduction, filled with practical suggestions. For those already familiar with the basics, the later chapters provide a wealth of information drawing from the latest research and new advancements in attachment theory. Professor Daniel has a gift for bridging the gap between theory and clinical application. This book realizes much of the tremendous potential at the interaction of attachment theory, social cognitive development, affect regulation, and understanding of the psychotherapy relationship.” – Brent Mallinckrodt, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

“This is an outstanding introduction to an attachment-based perspective on psychotherapy that will be relevant to therapists coming from diverse theoretical and professional backgrounds. Daniel does a superb job of translating insights emerging from the burgeoning fields of attachment theory and research into a sophisticated and clear-cut guide for adapting treatment in a fashion that is responsive to the distinct styles and needs of patients with different attachment patterns. An elegant synthesis of research findings with clinical expertise” – Jeremy D. Safran, Ph.D., Chair & Professor of Psychology, The New School for Social Research